Parent and Pupil Consultation

Consultation with Parents and Carers
Consultation with Parents/Carers plays a vital role in ensuring that their views are represented and used to inform school improvement, so every year there is a planned cycle of consultation activities. Parent views are gathered in a variety of ways including online questionnaires, paper based forms, interviews and more informal discussions.
The school also organises coffee mornings so that Parents/Carers have the opportunity to meet with each other in an informal setting and to discuss issues that affect them. School staff, Governors and stakeholders from the local community may also attend these meetings to identify if there are opportunities to explore and develop any issues raised. An example of this was when Parents/Carers raised concerns about road safety around the school site. This resulted in a school and community Road Safety Project, see below for more details.
Parent Voice
Click on the links below to see consultation activities linked to the annual cycle of school improvement.
Pupil Voice
Every year school holds a pupil voice day. This is a day pupils are consulted on their ideas and opinions about a given topic. The themes explored are linked to school improvement areas or contextual issues relevant to the whole school community and are also reflected in the consultation activities undertaken with Parents/Carers.
Parent View
Ofsted has a “Parent View” survey available on the Ofsted website; you can also find this survey by clicking the link at the bottom of the home page of our own school website. In addition to this, our school undertakes its own Parent View style survey in the Autumn term.