Inclusion Lead
I would like to introduce myself as the Inclusion Lead here at Cheetwood.
As the Inclusion Lead, it is my responsibility to ensure that every child at our school feels valued, supported, and included in all aspects of their education and school life. This encompasses a wide range of needs, including those related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).I understand that navigating the complexities of SEND can sometimes be challenging for both parents and pupils alike.
My door is always open to discuss any concerns, questions, or support needs you may have regarding your child’s educational journey. Whether you have questions about Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or simply want to chat about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Additionally, I am here to collaborate with you and the rest of our school community to ensure that we are providing the best possible support and resources for all our pupils. Your input and feedback are invaluable, and together, we can create an inclusive environment where every child can thrive.
Please feel free to contact me via email at or by scheduling a meeting through the school office.
Warm regards,
Craig Nordon
Inclusion Lead