Cost of Living
It is a difficult time for many people across Manchester, as the costs of energy, food and other bills continue to rise. We hope that this page may offer links to advice and guidance that will support our families. As always if you require any support or guidance please do come and speak with a member of staff.

Manchester support and advice updates:
Manchester’s FREE Cost of Living Advice Line: S upport with benefits, help and advice about rent, debt, bills, food support and help to get online (support to access the internet, laptops, phones and data).
The advice line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm on 0800 023 2692 .
You can also text on 07860 022 876 or visit
- Manchester’s web page for help with the cost-of-living crisis: A comprehensive guide to the financial help and practical support available to Manchester residents
- Local help and support; Information about support and advice in your local area
- Manchester’s web page for those in financial difficulty: Providing information on housing/council tax, FSM, fuel, travel and cash grants, furniture and white goods
- Free SIMS/internet data for those eligible
- Help with internet use, digital inclusion and use of computers in our libraries
- Governments Help for Households campaign
- Social Tariffs: Low-cost broadband and phone service packages, for those on low incomes. Check the Ofcom website to see if you can switch to a social tariff
Manchester City Council Cost of Living Advice Line
To support Manchester residents through the cost-of-living crisis, Manchester City Council will be providing an advice line that will offer:
1. Support with benefits and help with your rent (this is an existing offer made available through the contact centre)
2. Advice about debt and paying bills (this will be done in conjunction with Citizen Advice Manchester)
3. Food support (residents will receive a call back to understand their needs and connected into a local food offer)
4. Support getting online (residents will be linked in with the Council’s digital inclusion team)
By Phone: The advice line can be accessed via a free phone number 0800 023 2692. The line will be open 9:00am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Agents on the phone line will have access to language line for those residents whose first language is not English. Sign Video will also be available for residents who may require this facility.
Online: An online form will be available at Helping Hands for those who do not wish to contact by phone. The advice line will also have its own web page that will have links to information of how residents are able to access support.
Free SIM Cards in all Manchester Libraries
Any Manchester resident (over 18 years) who is struggling to pay for data on their device can now get a free SIM that comes loaded with free data. SIMS come with free internet access for a total of 6 months, no monthly top-up required.
Free warm spaces in libraries across Manchester:
Every library in Manchester is a ‘warm space’, a free, safe place where residents can come in and stay warm all day in a welcoming, inclusive environment. Our libraries are packed full of resources and support for all ages:
- Free, self-service hot drinks
- Comfortable seating and welcoming spaces
- Free Internet
- Free Wifi
- Newspapers
- Information and advice
- Staff who can signpost to other support agencies
- Digital drop-ins one day a week
- Under 5s story times once a week at 11am (ask your local library for more details)
Teams around the Neighbourhood and the voluntary sector have worked together to produce a booklets, which outline the hyper-local support available in neighbourhoods. These include food banks, warm hubs, befriending services and other offers.
Help with the Cost of Living Crisis from Manchester City Council