House System

As part of our behaviour policy and in an aim to develop further positive behaviour in the school, we have implemented a new reward system at Cheetwood.
The school has been divided into five “Houses” and each pupil from Year 1 to Year 6 has been put into a House. Each House is being led by a member of the school’s leadership team.
After consultation with staff and pupils the Houses were named after significant local people. These people have all contributed considerably to society and made a difference to the lives of others through their work, achievements and individual personalities.
New Cheetwood House Badges

Pupils are awarded “House points” for any show of positive behaviour or for achieving a target or goal. This can be in lessons, at playtimes or as they are moving around the school. Any member of staff can award House points to any pupil, if they see fit.
Points awarded are recorded under each House name in each class; points are added up at the end of each week and announced in Friday’s celebration assembly. The house with the most points at the end of every term receives a collective treat.
Being a member of a House gives every pupil an opportunity to contribute to something bigger. The House system develops a sense of community spirit as well as healthy competition. It also enhances the development of respect for each other.