Cheetwood outcomes at the end of Key Stage Two

Due to school closures during the Covid 19 pandemic, statutory testing in primary schools was suspended in 2019-2020 and 2022-2021 so Cheetwood’s most recent externally validated data is from the academic year 2018-2019. This data is summarised below.
End of Key Stage 2
Pupils are assessed using the National Curriculum, undertaking tests in Maths; grammar punctuation and spelling and reading. They are assessed using teacher judgements in writing. Pupils are assessed as working below the expected standard, at the expected standard or at greater depth than the expected standard for writing. Pupils are assessed at working below, at or at a higher standard in reading, Maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling.

The progress scores were within the national average in reading and writing and maths.
- The percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard is above Manchester and national in reading, writing, GPS and the same as national in Maths
- The percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and Maths combined is above Manchester and National average
- The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and Maths combined is above Manchester and in line with national
- The percentage of pupils achieving the higher standard is above national in GPS, broadly in line with national in maths and writing and below in reading
- The average point score is above Manchester and national in GPS and the same as Manchester in reading (but one pint below national)
- In Maths the average point score was below Manchester and national as SEND pupils and those with other vulnerabilities in particular struggled to tackle some many of the questions
- There was no significant difference between the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and those without disadvantage.
- In all areas the percentage of disadvantaged pupils meeting the expected standard was higher than the same group nationally
- Progress and attainment for the pupils that have been part of the Cheetwood ‘Core Cohort’ has been good demonstrating the impact of good teaching over time

Internal Data 2019-2020
Cheetwood uses the Target Tracker assessment tool to track progress and attainment and the last data call prior to school closure was at the end of Spring 1 in 2020. At this time there was strong evidence that there was above expected progress in reading, writing and Maths across the majority of cohorts resulting in an increase in the percentage of pupils meeting age related expectations. Progress for groups of vulnerable learners was especially strong indicating targeted teaching and specialist intervention was helping to close the gap for these pupils.
Year 6: Accelerated progress in reading, writing and maths. Although at the end of Spring 1 the cohort was tracking to be just below floor at the end of Key Stage 2, typically momentum continues to grow in the second half of the academic year. Based on trends from previous years it would have been expected that outcomes would have been above floor and in line with Manchester averages.
Transience throughout the school continued to impact on the percentage of pupils meeting age related expectations. However, tracking data for the ‘Ever Cheetwood’ group of pupils (those that have been at Cheetwood continuously since Reception) indicates that in the majority of subjects and cohorts the percentage of pupils meeting age related expectations is above national average. This demonstrates the impact of high quality teaching over time.
Internal Data 2020-2021
Data collected from Target Tracker and corroborated in monitoring activities confirmed that progress in the 2020-2021 academic year was accelerated across the school in reading, writing and Maths. On average progress was 25% above what would usually be expected providing strong evidence of a well-planned and effective recovery curriculum that was maintained during periods of remote learning.
There was no statutory testing at the end of Year 6 but internal data provides evidence of a significant increase of the percentage of pupils meeting age related expectations over the academic year. From low starting points in September 2020 there was an increase of in 34% in reading, 27% in writing and 37% in maths. Progress in Year 6 was exceptionally strong at 48% above what would usually be expected. As a result the core cohort of Ever Cheetwood achieved age related outcomes of 69% in reading, 62% in writing and 62% in Maths.
Year 4 Multiplication Test
Year 4 pupils completed an optional multiplication test based on the national test that will be officially starting in June 2022.
96% of pupils met the expected standard.