Maths Curriculum Update
The school’s maths curriculum is designed to enable pupils to tackle real life problems, use and apply their mathematical skills across a range of problems and to be able to recall mental maths facts fluently.
From September 2020, the school has implemented a recovery curriculum for maths in all year groups to enable pupils to catch up on key skills that they may have missed during the period of school closures. Since returning to school, teachers have assessed pupils to identify which areas are priorities to teach to enable them to catch up on what has been missed. Each class is dedicating an increased amount of their weekly timetable to teach core mathematical skills, covering arithmetic, mental maths fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
We are continuing to use Club 99 twice weekly to embed core mathematical facts. Pupils are taught using mathematical vocabulary and are encouraged to discuss their reasoning.
Teachers are using ‘Google Classroom’ more widely as a platform for pupils to access their weekly homework and remote learning in the event of having to access teaching from home for more extended periods of time .