Recovery Curriculum 2020-2021
On this page is the school’s adapted curriculum for the next phase of education, care and support as we welcome back all pupils. This is called our “recovery curriculum” and it has been designed to acknowledge that there have been big losses to pupils whilst they stayed at home during the first national lockdown. The focus for school in the autumn term will be upon ensuring that pupils are ready to learn so social and emotional learning will be prioritised. The act of recovery is at least as much an emotional and social one as it is academic and our ability to recognise and plan for this will be at the heart of our learners’ eventual success.
All subject leaders have prepared plans for the autumn term.
Academic Recovery Curriculum
We will continue to teach a broad and balanced curriculum with a layered approach to engage all pupils. The use of knowledge organisers and retrieval quizzes will help to support and assess what the pupils have retained which include:
Non-negotiable key concepts, knowledge and skills all pupils need to understand; these will be taught during this academic year before starting any new conceptDeeper concepts and knowledge pupils are expected to learn; these are taught throughout the year and may be covered again within the key stageConcepts that are essential and necessary for a good level of understanding; these will be covered in a variety of ways including: home learning projects including the use of Google Classroom for online/remote learning, reading a variety of texts and writing